Turnkey Services for PCB Functional Test Hardware and Software, Including JTAG Boundary Scan and Test Analytics

Our test development services support a wide range of applications and industries, including military/aerospace (ITAR and EAR), medical, robotics, automotive, power, communications, and more.

We offer comprehensive remote and on-site support, along with full documentation and training, helping you deploy and maintain your test systems worldwide with confidence.

Our services support both reusable and dedicated PCB test systems. We can save you time and money when you need mechanical fixtures, electrical tests, and Boundary Scan tests, leading to significant time and cost savings compared to in-house development.

What We Offer:

  • Design Analysis: We analyze your designs, discuss test specifications, and provide approximate costs and options without any commitment from you.
  • Comprehensive Design: We handle mechanical, electrical, and software GUI interface design, delivering a complete system tailored to your test plan and unique requirements.
  • Full Support: Our services come with full support, training, and documentation to ensure seamless integration and operation.
  • Expert Consultation: Advice for both new projects and existing hardware.
  • Turnkey Solutions: From hardware and software design to complete systems, helping you meet tight deadlines.
  • Rapid Deployment: Systems can be delivered in as little as 6 weeks, on-time and under budget.

Functional Testing

We offer a comprehensive turnkey service for fixture mechanics, test hardware, and software. We have experience with high-complexity and high-value boards and can support both low production runs and high quantities of thousands of boards.

Key Features:

  • Connection Options: Boards can be connected via bed-of-nails, manual cable plug, or any combination allowing for maximum flexibility and full lifecycle support from prototype to production test.
  • Integration: We can include boundary scan capabilities to improve overall test coverage and reduce costs.
  • Versatile Testing: Our systems can include communications modules, low-noise analog, digital I/O, RS-485, RS-422, SPI, I2C, high-voltage I/O, USB, Ethernet, memory device tests, high-speed programming, actuators, RF testing, STANAG 4781 SSCI and more...
  • Power Control: We provide full control of power supplies and loads including power sequencing, programmable electronic load, and over-voltage and over-current monitoring with overall system shutdown protection at hardware speeds.

Boundary Scan Services

Whether you need us to take on portions of your project or to do a complete Boundary Scan test suite for your boards, we can help. We provide free DFT information, a detailed test coverage report, and fixed price or block of hours for maximum cost-effectiveness and flexibility.

Our Boundary Scan Services Include:

  • Expert Consultation: Advice for both new projects and existing hardware.
  • Turnkey Solutions: From hardware and software design to complete systems, helping you meet tight deadlines.
  • Rapid Deployment: Systems can be delivered in as little as 6 weeks, on-time and under budget.

Test Analytics

Data Management: We can integrate the WATS test data management system for visibility into trends, yield, and overall manufacturing quality.